“Most men grow up and choose a craft;
and some men, a special few, are chosen by a craft long before they are grown.”
–Ryan Kirby
I have owned and crafted Blackie’s Blend products since January of 2015, but this story goes back well before that.
I grew up following around my Grandpa Welch; hunting, fishing, trapping, just about anything that could be done outdoors. Being the tight-fisted old Republican that he was, we seldom bought bait for fishing and I never remember purchasing trapping lure or bait. It was always made. So, as a consequence, I have been building lures and baits for as long as I have been trapping. That aspect of trapping called me at an early age and does so yet today.
I met Carroll “Blackie” Black when I was a young trapper, probably around the age of ten to twelve years. I remember my Mother driving me on the short trip down to Blackie’s shop to buy lures and bait from him. Back then Blackie’s business was very young and he was still operating out of an old, re-commissioned township house.
The years went by and after several fur seasons longline trapping I got much more serious about formulating lures and baits and started Welch’s High Production Lures & Baits officially in 2007. Though we were competitors, Blackie and I remained close friends and talked several times over the years if I would be interested in taking over Blackie’s Blend when he was ready to step away from it. Unfortunately, Blackie had serious health issues that caused that to happen sooner than we would have liked. He passed away shortly after I took over the business in 2015.
Blackie was always a great mentor and friend to me. I cherish all the time we spent together and the conversations we were able to have. I am grateful for the knowledge he was willing to share and strive to keep Blackie’s Blend “High In Excellence”
-Scott and Blackie at the 2007 OSTA convention